An Attitude Of Gratitude

Passage: Luke 17:11-19

When was the last time that someone did something amazing for you? Something that you didn’t deserve or weren’t expecting? The ten people met by Jesus in today’s passage received something pretty amazing. They were healed of a disease that would have kept them on the outskirts of society for the rest of their lives. But, amazingly, only one of the ten returned to Jesus to say thank you.

But what stands out to me in this passage is Jesus’ response to the one man who does give thanks:

“Stand up and go. Your faith has healed you.”

Why does Jesus say “your faith has healed you”?
Wasn’t the man already healed? His leprosy had gone just like the other nine. What is Jesus getting at?

The word which is translated “healed” in English is a much bigger word. It means “saved and healed and made whole”. What Jesus us talking about is a complete healing, a full healing.

Gratitude makes us whole.
Did you know that research is now showing that being grateful is a key element for a happy life. People who cultivate gratitude get a boost in happiness and optimism, feel more connected to other people, are better-liked and have more friends, are more likely to help others—they even sleep better and have fewer headaches!

There is a question that I’m sure most of us were asked at one time or another as a child when we received a present or a card from a relative. “What do you say?” “Thank you”. I can remember a few times as a child when I said thank you for a present despite not really meaning it! Maybe it wasn’t exactly what I wanted (or sometimes not even close) but without fail my mum or dad would say “What do you say?”

Gratitude is not saying “thank you” out of duty, politeness or habit. It is something deep and genuine that comes from within us.

More than that though. Gratitude does not just come from getting what we want. Real gratitude comes when we learn to want what we have. Being grateful for what has already been given to us.

Gratitude reboots our minds, shifting us away from a self centred mind-set to one that is focussed on God, our loving, gracious and generous Father.

The prayer stations that followed this talk are:

In All Circumstances

Gratitude Journal

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