Further Up Yonder

Items Needed:

Further Up Yonder Video Clip – (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmS20epgSOY)


“Further Up Yonder” is a video created by NASA featuring astronauts on board the International Space Station. The video features footage of the earth from space and short messages from the astronauts encouraging the world to work towards peace.
We have used this clip as a combined gathering/confession activity. Play the video and then use the words in the gathering and/or confession sections below.


It is really helpful every now and then to remember vast majesty of the God that we come to worship each Sunday morning.
The images of the earth from the International Space Station are stunning – this morning we are here to worship the God who created it all, who formed the sea, the earth, the sky and the universe beyond it…

Take a moment to allow that to sink in.
This is the awesome God who we worship today.


About halfway through the clip we hear one of the astronauts say “As we orbit the planet every 90 minutes, we see a world without borders and send our wish that all nations will work towards peace and harmony.”

The bible talks a lot about peace. Jesus is the prince of peace, God promises us peace that passes all understanding and peace is one of the fruit the Holy Spirit.
Where have we failed to live at peace with those around us?

In a moment of silence confess these times to God.

Father God thank you that you promise that if we confess our sins that you are faithful and just to forgive them and to cleanse us from all we’ve done wrong.

Fill us with your peace that we might share that peace with everyone we meet this week.