Holy Week – Crucifixion

Resources Needed:

  • A wooden Cross (two branches tied together will work perfectly well)
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • Cushions/Beanbags (optional – if you’d rather people didn’t sit/kneel on the floor)


“It is finished!” John 19:30

On Friday we remember the death of Jesus on the cross.
We can’t begin to imagine how hopeless the disciples felt. Jesus was crucified. It must have seemed like the end, that all hope had gone.


We know that although Friday is a sad day, a day for serious reflection and remembering, Friday is not the end.

Sunday is coming – resurrection is just around the corner!

What situations do you know of that feel hopeless?
Write a prayer for that situation and leave it at the foot of the cross.
It may feel hopeless now but our God is a God who brings life from death.

It might be Friday – but Sunday is coming!!