Hopes and Fears

This activity can be done as a whole congregation or at tables if you have a larger group. If you are doing the activity as tables you’ll need the 2016 sheets to be about A3 sized. Anything below A3 size would be too small.

Resources Needed:

  • “2016” written on a large roll of paper – you’ll need space for people to write their prayers on the inside of the numbers (See below for an example of the style you’ll need to use.)
  • Felt Tip Pens


The start of a new year can be an exciting thing as we look forward to new adventures but it can also be daunting if the year ahead contains things we aren’t looking forward to or things that we are uncertain about.

Either way it is good to offer all of those things to God at the start of the year and to ask him to be with us through whatever the new year brings so take a moment to think about one thing that you’re excited about for this new year and one thing that worries you or that you’re unsure about. Offer those things to God by writing a short prayer about them inside the numbers on the sheet.

Once everyone has had a chance to write their prayers on the sheet close with this prayer (or something similar):

Lord God, this next year is laid out in front of us, full of joy but also pain, potential but also challenges. Right at the start of it we want to bring our hopes and fears for the year to you. Help us to thank you in the good times and to trust you in the difficult times. Amen.
