Humble Faith – Practical Humility

This station was used after the talk “Humble Faith

Resources Needed:

  • Printed Instructions
  • Printed developing humility ideas – you could print each on a separate piece of paper and put them up around the room or combine them onto one sheet.
  • Pens & Paper



Humility seems like a good idea in theory but how do we put it into practice?

Use the ideas at this station to find one or two things that you can put into practice this week. Write them down and keep them somewhere where you’ll be reminded to do them!

Developing Humility Ideas

Praise Other People!

We know that at some time or another we need other people to tell us that we’re doing well, to praise us or congratulate us – well guess what? The same is true for everyone else!

A great way to stay humble is to find things to praise other people for. So who do you know who is doing a great job? Is there a member of your family who could do with some encouragement? Tell them how brilliant they are!


Help Someone Else To Succeed

Genuine humility wants others to do well! Spend some time helping someone else to do something that benefits them.

It could be helping them with homework, gardening, a job application or any number of things!


Admit when you get it wrong

Let’s be honest there are times when everyone gets it wrong! It isn’t always easy to admit this though.

Genuine humility isn’t afraid to say “I got this wrong”

Try committing to admitting when you’ve messed things up this week – it’s a hard one to do but will help to keep you humble!


Put yourself at the back of the queue.

How many times each week do you find yourself in a queue? Perhaps at the shops or in traffic or at the cash machine?

This week choose to allow other people to go first – make a conscious decision to put yourself at the back of the queue!


Practice Anonymous Acts of Kindness

Is there someone you can help this week without them knowing? Something you can do to serve someone else that won’t bring you any credit?

Real humility is being willing to give, to serve, to bless and expecting absolutely nothing in return!


Learn from someone else

Sometimes we can be guilty of thinking that we have everything sorted out – having humility means being ready to learn from others.

Which friend or family member can you learn from this week? Remember to say thank you!


Be thankful for what you have!

Make a list of the things that you have that you are thankful for. These could be physical/material things, relationships, jobs, etc.

Decide to take time every day to thank God for the good things that you have.