Jesus And The Rich Young Man – Letting Go

This station was used after the talk “Jesus And The Rich Young Man

Items needed:

  • Scrap paper
  • Pens
  • A bin


We all, from time to time, have things that we hold on to instead of depending on God. This station encourages people to let go of the things that we try to replace God with.

What do you rely on?

In the reading today we see the rich man who is struggling to rely on Jesus more than he relies on his own riches. We all, from time to time, have things that we hold on to instead of depending on God. It could be money, status or anything that we would struggle to let go of if God asked us to.

Take a scrap of paper from the pile. On it write or draw a prayer of confession to God, offering him the things that you have held on to too tightly and depended on more than you have depended on him. Screw the paper up into a ball and hold it out over the bin.

Drop the paper into the bin as a sign of letting go of those things and ask God to help you to rely more on him.