Maranatha (Advent 1, Year C)

The activities are also the intercessions for this week and follow on from the talk “Worth The Wait

Resources needed:

  • Current newspapers (enough for a couple per table). You could include local newspapers or the church newsletter too.
  • Sheets of paper (2-4 per table);
  • Scissors
  • Coloured Pens


Using the newspapers on your table find a picture, article or headline where you can see God’s kingdom at work (Something that we can feel thankful for) or where you feel God’s kingdom is desperately needed (Situations where we need God to intervene). This could be anything from scientists working on a cure for a disease or people working to lift others out of poverty to stories of people living in warzones or people who are overlooked by the rest of society.

Cut out the words or image and stick them to your sheet along with a one sentence description of the situation and a couple of things that we could be praying for as we look forward to the day when Jesus will return to establish his kingdom forever.

Once everyone has had a chance to find their topic, invite those who feel comfortable to share their picture and bullet points. After each one pause to pray using the call and response below:

Leader: Maranatha!

Congregation: Come Lord Jesus!

Close by praying the Lord’s Prayer together.