A Sinful Woman? – Freely Given?

This station follows the talk “A Sinful Woman?

Resources Needed:

  • Space for people to sit and be quiet.
  • Printed Instructions
  • Printed words – do two or three copies of each word printed in a large size font and cut out individually


Grace: “the love and mercy given to us by God because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it.”

Have you been frantically trying to earn something from God?

Look around you at the different words. Are there any that you have been trying to earn from God?

Pick it up and sit with it and talk to God about it. You can’t earn it you can simply recive it. Take it with you as a reminder Of God’s gift of grace.

Words To Print:


Spiritual Gifts


A Future




Self Worth

A New Start