Expect The Unexpected – Meteor Moments

This station follows the talk “Expect The Unexpected

Resources needed:

  • Video of the Russian Meteor Strike (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Omh7_I8vI) on a laptop or on your projector.
  • Printed instructions
  • Craft materials


Take a while to watch the video.
Imagine if it had happened in your neighbourhood. What would it have felt like? Meteors can be scary things, appearing completely out of the blue.

Think about your own life.

What have been the moments in your life that have really knocked you for six? Moments where in an instant everything has changed due to an unexpected event or surprising news? What are your “meteor moments”?

Create a shooting star with the art materials on your table and decorate it thinking about how these moments have affected your life.

The bible reminds us that although such things are often terrifying we can trust God to be with us no matter what happens – Hebrews 13:5 says “God has said: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you”