Stormy Weather – The Sea

The station follows the talk “Stormy Weather

Resources Needed

  • Large roll of paper
  • Blue & Green tissue paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Plain Paper
  • Printed Origami Instructions from:
  • Arts and Crafts materials (We have a box of mixed card/paper/stickers/pipe cleaners etc etc that we top up regularly)


This station is designed to encourage people to make something together as a community. Spread a large roll of paper across a long table and tape down the edges. Make a sea scene across the table with the blue and green tissue paper – make sure there are plenty of waves, and put out some pictures of sea monsters to colour in or get people to draw monsters and add them to the sea.

Printed Instructions:

We heard in the talk that for the ancient Jewish culture the sea was a terrifying thing that people avoided at all costs.

What are the things that scare you? What parts of your life feel out of control? If we have Jesus journeying with us then we have nothing to be afraid of.

Use the arts and crafts materials to make an origami boat. On the back of your boat write or draw a short prayer asking God to help you to trust him even when things feel out of control. Add it to the sea with everyone else’s creations.