Where Do You Belong – Identity

These activities are linked to the talk “Where Do You Belong

Resources Needed:

  • Printed ID cards (Click Here To Print ID Cards)
  • Printed activities (see below) on five separate tables. We picked five of the tables that people were sat on around the room rather than five additional tables.
  • Felt tip pens
  • Red paint
  • Cross stamps (we used small potatoes with a cross about 3-4cm tall cut into them)
  • Baby wipes/Kitchen towel for cleaning up.


Give each table enough ID cards for one per person and explain that they are not to fill in any of the details yet even if they think they know the answers.

Explain that there the ID cards need to be filled out by first drawing in their picture, passport photo style in the space marked “photo” and then visiting each of the five tables (Name, Date Of Birth, Address, Nationality and Authorised) to see how to fill in each section. Each of the tables will provide a little more information about what our true identity is in Jesus, reflecting our status as members of his family and his kingdom. The stamps that authorise the card are in the shape of crosses because it is through the death and resurrection of Jesus that we are admitted into his kingdom.


Copy the text for each activity onto an individual page and print two or three copies of each activity at A4 size.



Your surname is the one you share with your family.

If you are a Christian, you have been adopted into God’s family. You are a child of God. You have a new identity, a new name in heaven.

What could you write your name as to remind you of that?

Here are some ideas…

-John, son of God.

-Susan, member of heaven’s royal family.

-Kay, Jesus’s sister.         

-Dave, adopted by God.


(this table has a map out. We used a world map and a UK map)

Where were you born? Find it on one of the maps.

What nationality does it say on your passport?

“But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Saviour.” (Philippians 3:20)

If you are a Christian, write “citizen of heaven” on your ID card.

If you aren’t or are not sure, take this opportunity to think about where you want to belong.


We are members of God’s family across the world and citizens of heaven.

And we also find a place of belonging in a local church, where we are “house of God”

What is your church, where do you belong? Write that as your “Address”

Date Of (New) Birth

Feel free to write whatever you like in that space.

Here are some suggestions, just pick whichever statement most describes you


“There was a date at which I know I become a Christian, giving my life to Jesus”

You could write that date or something you remember about it.


“I was brought up as a Christian and can’t ever remember a time when I was not a follower of Jesus”

You could write your date of birth on the ID card, or perhaps when you were baptised.


“There wasn’t a particular date, it was a process for me of coming to faith in Jesus”

You could write “process” or “journey”


“I don’t think I am a Christian I am still exploring and deciding if I will give my life to Jesus”

You could write “not yet” or “watch this space!”



If you’ve travelled much then you might have  some stamps from different countries in your passport – a stamp means that you have permission to be in a particular country, in other words you are authorised to be there.

For Christians the thing that authorises our entry into God’s kingdom, the thing that says that we have permission to enter, is the cross. Jesus death and resurrection made for us into a kingdom where we were previously outsiders.

Using one of the stamps on the table stamp your ID card to confirm your identity as a member of God’s kingdom.