The Hall Of Faith – Training For The Race

This station follows the talk “The Hall Of Faith

Resources Needed:

  • Printed Reflection
  • Pens & Paper


Long distance races require a lot of hard work.

Careful attention needs to be paid to diet, to exercise regimes and to recovery times. When the author of the book of Hebrews described the Christian life as a race I imagine that is what they had in mind.

What preparation and training do you need to do in order to run the race set before you? Bible study? Worship?
Prayer? Fasting?
What “junk food” do you need to avoid to maintain a healthy spiritual diet?

Gossip? Laziness? Self centeredness? Apathy?

Take some time to ask God to reveal to you what you need to focus on most today. If you would like to you could write some of these things down.

Perhaps you feel like you’ve been running for a long time and are in need of some recovery time. If so take some time here to be quiet, to rest in God’s presence and allow him to restore you and help you to be ready to continue the race.