What Struck You?

Resources Needed:

  • Pens/ Ink from the computer
  • Cards- approx. 5/6 per table
  • Paper- enough for the amount of people you expect to use card 3.
  • Playdough (if using card 6)

Create individual cards for each small group using the following. Here are seven example cards:

  1. Describe what struck you about the talk in one sentence.
  2. Describe what struck you about the talk in one word.
  3. Draw what struck you in the talk.
  4. Mime what struck you in the talk.
  5. Only using a facial expression, mime what struck you about the talk.
  6. Using playdough, sculpt what struck you about the talk.
  7. Make a rhyming couplet about what struck you in the talk.

(A rhyming couplet is two lines of poetry where the final words in both lines rhyme with each other e.g.

I was struck when our preacher called Ellen

Said Jesus’ disciples froze staring towards heaven

This rhyming couplet is about Jesus’ ascension. Feel free to use different rhythms and line lengths).

You can ask them to shuffle the cards and repeat if necessary. Then get the groups to think about why what was said struck them and who they could tell it to this week.