A Prayer Course

Resources Needed:

  • Laminated prayer orienteering controls- these should be double sided. One side with the orange and white symbol, the other with the writing below
  • String to attach them to something
  • A map of your church with the controls marked on it
Control Marker
Side two of the prayer control



Ask your church to follow the prayer course around your church (and surrounding area if desired). Ask them to follow the instructions on the card as they make their journey. We had people do this on their own or in twos. Some people followed the course one way, and others followed it backwards to ease overcrowding. The controls should be fairly evenly spaced out and quite obvious for an all age activity.


Card 1: As you walk to the next stop: Spend time reflecting on the ways God might have been guiding you in life. Has he been guiding you recently?

Card 2: As you walk to the next stop: Ask God to be with you and then just walk in the quiet without needing to do or think about anything in particular.

Card 3: As you walk to the next stop: Take a moment to try and hear if God is saying something to you today. It might be an idea, a picture or a Bible passage which comes to mind.