Agreeing and Disagreeing in Prayer


Resources Needed:

·      Lemons- pre-cut

·      Chocolate- small squares

Agreeing and disagreeing leaves different tastes in our mouths.


  1. When we don’t deal with stuff we get bitter. Tell your congregation to taste a bit of lemon and talk to someone about what’s wrong with bitterness and not dealing with disagreements.
  2. When we deal with issues well things are sweet! Tell your congregation to now taste the chocolate and talk to someone about why sorting out issues is so great.

Is there any bitterness that they need to sort out?


How to disagree in prayer

Resources Needed: 

·      Coloured tape

·      The flow chart questions and answered printed

·      Enough space for the flow chart

Before the service tape out a marker (I used a cross) to show where you want the congregation to put each flow chart answer or question on the floor. Tape out the arrows between the questions to the answers. Although this takes a while it is well worth it as the task really involves understanding the passage and working together. The congregation then put the questions and answers in the right place. It helps to put the first question at the top of the flowchart to start people off.


Nobody likes it, but we have to learn to disagree well.

  1. Use the bits of paper and arrows to build a giant flow chart of how to disagree well.
  2. If you need to, use this passage for help:

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.


Agreeing and Disagreeing in Prayer

Resources Needed:

·      Pipe cleaners

It’s powerful when we agree with each other in prayer.


  1. Ask your congregation to use the pipe cleaners to create an agree and disagree symbol each e.g. a tick and cross or a thumbs up and thumbs down.
  2. Then get them to make an announcement to their table and let them hold up their symbols to say if they agree or not e.g. Marmite is the best food ever!
  3. Afterwards, get them to start announcing some prayers which their table can agree with using their pipe cleaners: e.g. “Dear God, help people without enough food”