Stormy Weather – Be Still

The station follows the talk “Stormy Weather

Resources Needed:

Printed reflection (enough copies for people to have one each) Cushions/beanbags (optional)


This station is a reflective one that can be done at tables or in a chill out space. If you are using the tables alongside the other prayer stations then simply make sure that each table has a few copies of the reflection. If you are using the chill out zone then try to create a quiet space with cushions or beanbags spread out and printed reflections around for people to use.


Jesus said…

“Be still!”

How often are you still?

We live lives full of busyness, rushing from one thing to the next, often struggling to hold everything in balance.

What are the storms that are raging around you today?

What things are fighting for your attention?

What parts of your life feel out of control?

In the midst of those things hear Jesus’ words:
“Be still!”
Spend a few minutes in quiet prayer offering all of your worries and stresses to Jesus. Then simply be still, remember that God is with you and listen for his voice.