All-Age Resources

Did you know that on this web-site there are all sorts of free, creative, inter-active worship resources for those running All Age services and groups? As we see more new congregations growing, the need for more resources grows too!

This year, almost 50 new resources have been added to the web-site, and in total there are now over 350 different resources to choose from. These resources have all been tried and tested at the Zone2 All Age Café Style congregation at Liverpool Cathedral.

The resources are easy to follow and simple to use, and can be adapted for different communities and cultures. Included are:    


Service Outlines – Based on the structure developed at Zone2

Gathering – Time at the start to transition into focusing on God

Confession – Used near the start, but easy to use at other times

Talks – A sample of  short talks, which link well to the prayer stations

Intercessions – Some creative ideas to use in praying for the world

Praise – A selection of songs and other expressions of praise to God

 Prayer Stations – Spaces to reflect on the talks, and apply them to life


To find out more, go to: